The Award Winning Author

Wayne Kuhn was born on a small farm approximately an hour west of Toronto, Ontario in the mid 1950-60’s. He lived there the first 14 years of his life before moving with his family to Waterloo, Ontario in 1967. Graduating from College with a Certificate in Electronics Communication and Technology, Wayne went on to work at a large electronic goods manufacturer for the next 15 years as a computer systems programmer and Technician.

In 1987, Wayne entered the real estate industry as a licensed sales representative. Having a love for working and serving people, this opportunity was a perfect fit; a dream come true. As a real estate sales person he had the freedom of time, a friendly product as everyone needed to live somewhere, the ability to control his level of income and his love for connecting and helping people.

As a real estate Broker for 33 years, Wayne has achieved many sales awards and worked with the best in the industry. He learned the secrets to what it takes to be a top producing sale person and now is sharing this knowledge around the world.

It 1993, Wayne became a member of Toastmasters International, an organization dedicated to helping people improve their communication and leadership skills. In 2008 he earned a DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster) designation, the highest level that Toastmaster International awards. Having won many speaking completions at various levels, Wayne went on to doing Keynotes, Seminars and facilitating workshops on communication and leadership.

Wayne is married to Suzanne and together they have a blended family of five boys and at the moment, six beautiful grandchildren. 

Wayne gave birth to Recharge following years of studying salespeople, goal setting, mindset, and searching for the answer to “Why do some people excel in life while others just get by?” A student of Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher’s program, “Thinking into Results”, through the Proctor Gallagher Institute, Wayne was faced with the question: “What do you really want?”
Today, as author of It’s Time to Recharge, Wayne’s focus is on helping people answer this question and spreading the message of Recharge through seminars, workshops and keynote speeches.

It's Time to Recharge

How to Elevate Your Mindset and Increase Your Sales and Business Opportunities

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